Having a never-ending supply of opinions, it is a rare thing for me to run out of words. But, it has happened at last. For the past month or so, I have written next to nothing and it's not so much Writer's Block as it is Writer's Blah.
I have been roaming blindly through the land of Perimenopause this past year and things are not improving. While I acknowledge that half the population deals with this particular challenge, I have to say, some women are better equipped to handle this than others.
First of all, I have never given birth, so apart from the usual monthly visit from . . . (insert family euphemism here), I have no experience with serious hormone fluctuations. And, having had a regular and reasonable cycle, I was not prepared for this new world. I have been blind-sided by a set of symptoms I am ill-equipped to handle.
Earlier this week, in a one-sided conversation with the dog (not a symptom), I heard myself use the word, "jealousness". I kid you not. And when I heard myself say it, I knew immediately it was wrong, but was unable to come up with "jealousy" for several seconds. First it was funny, then disconcerting, then terrifying. Thankfully, the dog had the sense not to laugh because the instant anger thing is also pretty upsetting. (Just ask the unwitting - and unhelpful - Canadian Tire employee I snapped at last week. I'm pretty sure he had it coming, but what the heck? Where is all this rage coming from?)
Two days ago, I started to climb into a hammock for a test drive . . . and one end of it was being held up by my partner!
Today, I tried to get a plumber to write me a receipt he never gave me that, of course, he did give me and here it is in the file where I put it. In the Rock-Paper-Scissors game of life, Hormones beat Brain Cells every time!
I cry about 4 times a day, I'm tired all the time and my mood swings go from euphoric to despondent. Swing time ranges from days to minutes. I'm serious - minutes!
I went to my doctor and told her I wanted to rule out brain tumour or borderline personality disorder and make sure this was all just hormones. I told her I wanted to make sure it wasn't something "real" because I felt somewhat debilitated. She listened to me downplay it and when it was her turn to talk, she started with this: "Well, women have killed themselves, and others." So I smartened up and listened. I now take 634 vitamins per day.
I was told at a writing workshop to "take everything to the page" but there have been a lot of days when I could barely take it to the kettle to make my morning coffee. I'm doing the best that I can and I am greatly encouraged to be sitting here typing right now.
If anyone else is being slapped around by perimenopause, I leave you with this hope: while the average span of perimenopause is 3-4 years, it can last as long as a decade.
Hey, Stupid Guy at Canadian Tire . . . watch your back!
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